Splitting wood

My husband bought himself this wood splitter recently and this is the first time we've used it.  Earlier in the year we had to have four trees taken down.  Two were lightning strike trees and were dead, one was growing out of the trunk of a bigger tree and one was a cedar tree that overhung our deck and dripped super sticky sap everywhere.  We had to move the tree rounds from where they dropped, over to our woodpile and they've been sitting there waiting for us to get to them.  Up till now, my husband and son have used a maul and huge hammer (I'm sure it has a proper name too) to split the wood which is hard work and jarring on your arms and back.  The new log splitter works wonderfully, even I had fun using it.  We've got through nearly all the tree rounds and have three beautiful new log piles which will provide us with firewood for next winter.  
