More Big Trees

Friday June 20th 2014

Today my daughter and I hiked another trail at Big Trees State Park.  We were thankful that we got a reasonably early start because it was a warm sunny day.  We hiked a five mile loop that took us through a grove of giant sequoias.  There are two groves of these magnificent trees in the Park, the North Grove is easily accessible year round and is invariably busy.  The South Grove (where we hiked today) has bigger, older trees but is only accessible when the road is cleared of snow from late Spring till the first snow.  The biggest tree in the Park is here and is likely 2000-3000 years old.  It is incredibly, mind-bogglingly big.  Thinking it seemed appropriate, I brought some tree stump pincushions to work on while we are here.  You can see these pincushions in my Etsy shop HERE  and the matching needle book, HERE.


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